Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Girls Girls Girls

Don't you just love a good girl's night out? Well especially if you are, in fact, a girl!

I've got 2 on this week and after the girlie drought I experienced while James was away I am getting back into it with a vengeance. Dinner at Lisa's fantastic new pad will be followed up on Thursday with dinner in Richmond with the cutest group of lovelies you're ever likely to see....well we are lovely, and we think we're cute!

I'm even taking myself off to the SUN Theatre on Friday morning to see Harry Potter. WOO HOO. Emma's at kinder and Mum is taking Ben for the day so I have a whole morning to myself.

Now I am fully aware that there are many other things I could be doing with my time such as cooking, cleaning, CHALK work etc but bugger it I'm off to the movies.

May even squeeze in a couple of pots of tea beforehand, and a browse at The Sun Bookshop. AAAHHH Heaven.

The Gilmores at the movies.

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