Monday, July 23, 2007

OUCH! is instore & other stuff.

Having not posted over the weekend I thought I'd make up for it and do an extra long one tonight. (Happy now Ali Babar?). Here are some shots of the latest OUCH range that arrived instore over the weekend.

We are going to have so many gorgeous dresses this season. I am in love with the big spotty one on the far left and can't believe I can't squeeze into one myself! I am again going to have to live vicariously through my daughter which could end up being a life long trend! I see psycho-therapy in her future.

OUCH have also done infant wear this season which we've been really happy with. (see above)

And as usual I can't keep away from the PJs. Mick thinks I have a PJ problem as I can't resist buying them whenever an agent shows me new ones. He's put a limit on me but I snuck these through and the Snugglebum summer range should arrive soon.

I had a lovely visit at the shop with Dana and Kerri from Market Baby. Always so great to meet people in person that you have got to know through their blog. Hopefully we will be able to stock some of their wonderful products in the near future.

Thank you to everyone who has been sending lovely emails - I know the comments page takes a while so I appreciate you leaving your comments on email.

Lastly I wanted to show you the finished bunks... I can't show the whole room as I'm not clever enough but the bunks are the most important bit anyway. The kids are loving them and they have proved to be a great play space too.

And to JEN and THE MAN! This is for you in honour of your Gilmorness! I salute you!

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