Saturday, September 22, 2007

Spring has Sprung at CHALK

I spent most of the day yesterday trying to fit all our new stock into the shop in some semblance of order. Customers were very understanding and stepped politely over piles of tees and baskets of squeakers as I tried a bit of re-jigging.

It is always such a fun time of year when all the new seasons stock starts arriving - as I ordered it all about 8 months ago I get a real kick out of opening boxes and seeing everything again.

It also gives me hope that summer is indeed on its way... in our shop at least.

I took home some bathers for the Gidget to try on as I couldn't resist. It's the first year we've done anything more than a spattering of girls bathers and they look so summery all hanging in a row. They are only $28.00 each so I think I'll have to get a couple of pairs.

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