Monday, September 17, 2007


Lou Lou over at Totally Innocent has tagged me this week so I thought as I had nothing else of any interest to share with you all I would try and do as she asked...

First the rules....
a. Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves.
b. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed.
c.At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog!

Some of these will be obvious to anyone who reads my blog regularly but some might not goes.

1. I have always wanted to be in a musical - Unfortunately I can neither sing nor dance but a girl can dream. I used to watch 'Oklahoma', 'Seven Brides For Seven Brothers', 'Singing In The Rain' etc endlessly, wishing that I was Debbie Reynolds or Shirley Jones. I still watch 'Grease', 'West Side Story', etc and itch and twitch to get up and be a part of the magic they create. I firmly believe that 'High School Musical' is the best thing to happen to television in decades!! Which brings me to my next point.

2. I still think like a sixteen year old! - My friends endlessly tease me about my love of all things 'teen'. Give me a movie set in a high school with a couple of cute leads and I am hooked. 'Blue Water High' is one of my favourite TV shows! I love knowing what is in the top 10 and have a Myspace page and a Facebook page. I own Avril Lavigne CDs and Mandy Moore is one of my favourite actresses.

3. In another life I believe I was a 1950's bobbysoxer and a cheerleader!!!

4. I ate jam sandwiches every day of my life until 2 years ago. I only limited them due to peer pressure to eat 'better'. Now they are more a weekly thing although I still have jam toast every morning. In Kris's household I am known as 'The Jam Sandwich.'

5. I don't think exercise is at all good for you. Everyone I know who exercises regularly is injured which proves my point. In my 20's I was known as the 'Three-toed Sloth, due to my dislike of expending unnecessary energy. (It may also have had something to do with the pack of Dunnhill Grey I smoked every day for 15 years!)

6. I love reading. I will read the side of a cereal box if I forgot to take my book to breakfast. I read in the car while stopped at lights. I can read and walk home at the same time. I always carry a book in my bag because you never know when you might get 5 minutes to read. I used to invite friends over to swim at my house and then spend all afternoon reading. (sorry Alex!) I usually have a couple of books on the go for different occasions - one that fits in my bag, one for book group, one to read in bed etc. I am also a book nerd because I prefer classics to modern lit. I also have a habit of reading certain loved books over and over again.

7. I am a Primary Teacher who worked at an all boys school before having kids. Prior to that I managed a restaurant in Richmond and worked in retail (visual display and merchandising focus) for 10 years.

8. Cotton wool makes me FREAK! I can not stand it. Even talking about it sets my teeth on edge and blocks my breathing! It's not that easy having babies when you can't touch cotton wool. I can't write any more...blahhhh!

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