Monday, October 8, 2007

I Love Bloggers

How ACE are bloggers?

I had the loveliest day at work on Saturday. I had visits from so many great people who stayed for a chat and a laugh (Hi Eliza, Kris and Ali to name a few) but I had 2 very special visitors.
The first surprise guest was the delightful Shula from
Poppalina fame who dropped in to say Hi. It was so wonderful to finally meet Shula in person as she has given me so many hours of laughter and tears through her blog. The best thing was that she lived up to expectation and was completely delightful.

My next special guest was Bianca from
Hollabee who not only came for a visit but brought me gifts as well!! I had mentioned on her Blog that she had 2 CDs that I was dying to buy and low and behold she brought copies of them in for me! I am now the proud owner of both Missy Higgins and The Waifs new albums. How good is that!

It is such a bizarre concept that these two woman were so familiar to me and I know so much about their lives and yet this was the first time I had laid eyes on them. How wonderful to make new friends at this age and through such a medium. Yeah for blogging!

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