Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Is it strange to spend the day with a knot in your stomach and a feeling of immense sadness you just can't shake over the death of a boy you never knew?
That is how I have felt today.
When I read the news on the Internet this morning that Heath Ledger had died my immediate reaction was to deny emphatically to myself that it had happened - it must be a joke, an elaborate hoax, not him... etc. Similar feelings to that of the news of Princess Diana's accident.
I even shut down the computer in some weird and feeble attempt to stop the news from being real. Then I cried, in fact sobbed, for a life only half lived and a little girl left with out her Daddy, for a family who have lost their bright boy and for me.. someone who never knew him, never breathed the same air but who followed his career from his stint on Home and Away, Sweat, Roar and on to bigger and brighter things. His photo graced the space behind my desk when I was teaching and moved to pride of place on our fridge when I left. That immensely talented, media awkward, doting father can not be gone. He just can't.

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