Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sometimes It's Better Just To Stay In Bed.

I'm back but I'm not happy!

On Friday we packed up the family ready to head back to Melbourne from the beach house so that I could work on Saturday. It was 42 degrees (107 for the Americans out there) according to my car, and tempers were getting frayed. I figured the quicker we got back to the air conditioned comfort of the city the better. All was going according to plan when I went to pack up my sewing. I keep all the squares for my quilts cut and ordered in a couple of large boxes so that I can take them with me when I need to. I had been very productive over the Christmas break and finished about 9 quilt tops. When I went to put the lids back on the boxes I noticed that one of them was all messed up. I figured it was my 3 year old being annoying and started to straighten them all up, cursing him all the while. It took a while for me to realise that strangely some of the patches were damp.. then the horrible reality struck me.... MY CAT HAD PISSED IN MY BOX!!!!!

I'll give you a minute to visualise my reaction when I realised that approx 2000 squares of fabric were now covered in cat urine....

There was crying!

I have spent the last 24 hours, chucking, washing, drying, ironing 2000 patches which has taken a little of the shine off my homecoming.
This is how they came out of the washing machine!!!

(To anyone who is thinking of purchasing a quilt from CHALK I assure you that all cat pee pieces have been weeded out and all other patches washed just to make me feel better.)

P.S. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas break and for everyone in Australia I hope you're having fabulous Summer holidays.

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