Thursday, February 28, 2008

Keep Them Coming

One of the best things about having a blog is the wonderful comments and recommendations I get from regular readers. One of the best parts of my day is opening up my email and finding comments left on my blog. It still gives me such a thrill.

This week I have been following up on a couple of suggestions from fellow bloggers and it has been well worth the effort.

First up Lou from Totally Innocent was astounded to find out that I had never experienced the joy that is 'Stand By Me'.

She had watched it with her boys recently and told me I just had to see it. A couple of days later I stumbled across it in K-Mart for $8.00 and knew I had to get it. That was a couple of weeks ago I it was only last night that I finally got around to watching it.

Well Lou, you'll be pleased to know that I loved it. I found it an absolutely delightful movie and can see why it enjoys such 'classic' status. The performances were spot on and it was a very poignant tale told with grace and humour. It's now on my 'must see' list for anyone else who is yet to see it.

Last night I received a message from Whitney in America who had been looking at my book list and wanted to know if I had read 'Twilight' by Stephanie Meyer. This is part of the message she left me....

"I was reading your list of books you have read and what you are reading and I have to say YOU NEED TO READ Twilight It is right up your alley. It is a teen romance . It is one of those that make you want to have that giddy, just met the perfect boy, does he notice me, should I drive by his house feeling again."

Needless to say after that introduction I literally rushed to the Sun Bookshop to see if Deb could get it in for me. Just my luck, a shipment was arriving that afternoon and she promised to call me as soon as it arrived. Apparently she is just as big a fan as Whitney and can't believe I haven't experienced the joy. At 5.45 my phone rang with the good news and I now have books 1 and 2 of the Twilight series in my hot little hands. Stay tuned for my review.... I can't wait.

So THANK YOU to Lou and Whitney and all you other bloggers and Lurkers please feel free to send me your recommendations - share the joy around.

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