Wednesday, February 6, 2008

My Brave Boy

It was my little Moondoggie's first day of 3 year old kinder today but instead of tripping off to meet all his new buddies he spent the day here......

Because he did this.... (warning - this is a little off) (LEFT arm for those of you who completely missed it)

Due the the random nature of the universe Moondoggie launched himself from the 3rd step of the bunk ladder in a bid to defeat the enemy of all Power Rangers and instead of landing with a flourish as he has done a
dozen times before, he landed with a snap!

Needless to say he did not make it to kinder today.
Although 24 hours spent in emergency at a public hospital is hideous it has provided me with enough musing to write posts until Easter. Until tomorrow .... this wrung-out mother is off to bed with a hot cuppa and to have the cry I have been saving up since yesterday morning at 8.15am!

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