Monday, April 28, 2008

Birthday Festa

I'm starting to get blogging withdrawals! Is that weird?

What with two birthdays in one week it has been quite hectic over here. No time to scratch let alone blog. As you know, Gidg' turned 6 on Thursday and we had a delightful group of girls over after school for a party. All went well, fun was had by all and my cake even turned out well...

The girls had a lovely time designing cupcakes and making their own plates. We even had an Easter Egg Hunt as requested by Gidget. I did go a little into teacher mode but all went swimmingly and they were a joy.

By 5.30 it was all over and we all collapsed in a heap.

Sunday we batted up again and had both sets of grandparents, various Uncles and Aunty's, and numerous cousins over for lunch - more baking, more eating, more pressies, more collapsing!!

Now we have the eye of the storm, the calm before it's Moondoggie's turn. He turns 4 on Thursday but I'll tell you all about that another day!! My problem now is building up some enthusiasm to create some sort of birthday cake. Gidget got an ice cream Barbie cake & a Fairy Cloud cake so I can't very well skimp out on Moondoggie's. Any suggestions?

(And to all those of little faith - I did make both the cakes myself. I may hate cooking but everyone knows I get off on an excuse to decorate.)

(p.s. You may also notice in one of the photos that Moondoggie actually has a cake - made by his Grandma and completely smothered in lollies - he thought it was Fantastic.)

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