Monday, April 14, 2008

Till Death...

8 Years ago today Surfer Boy and I tied the knot. We dragged all our family and friends to the top of a sand dune at the place where we met and were blessed with a glorious sunny April day with not a breath of wind. (Which believe me, is a blessing, as that sand dune is one windy spot for 360 days of the year.)

It was also the longest isle any bride has ever had to traipse down but I didn't think of that until I was actually doing it. I am not known for my love of exercise so I think many of the guests found my hike amusing. (note - cars parked on other side of lighthouse!)

We borrowed 2 fabulous old Holdens from friends and made our leisurely way to The Old School Hall for our party. We had no speeches, or weddingy stuff, just lots of yummy food, dear friends, a cake made of doughnuts,

and an inordinate amount of dancing! I am one of those poor unfortunates who has a husband who is a much better dancer than I am. I am no slouch, just unlucky in that Surfer Boy is unusually good for a straight man. This makes for a great party as he is usually the first one on the floor, along with every dance-mad member of his family. The Surfer Boy Family goes off on a dance floor.

We had an absolute ball and there is not one thing I would change about our day.....

Especially my choice of groom! I am constantly amazed at my good fortune - Surfer Boy is the most supportive, laid back, constant person I have ever met. He allows me complete freedom to be myself and pursue my passions. He believes utterly that marriage is an equal partnership and shows it in a thousand ways every day. After 8 years of marriage and 13 years together I am more in love with him than ever. (Maybe he should read this post 'cause I'm sure I don't tell him enough). Happy Anniversary Surfer Boy!

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