Thursday, May 1, 2008

Moondoggie Turns 4!

This blog is turning into a bit of a love-in, what with our wedding anniversary, Gidget turning 6 and now my gorgeous Moondoggie turning 4.

I feel like I am constantly raving about my family but bare with me for one more family milestone. After that you have at least a month off until the next one - MY 40th!!! (And you just know that will be a long post!)

Moondoggie appeared 3 weeks early back in 2004 and I fell madly in love with him.

Is has a lovely sweet nature and, like Lola, he is 'small and very funny'. He provides Gidget and I with constant amusement and is always first up for a kiss and and a cuddle if there's one offering. His favourite colour is green, he loves kisses, Boba Fett and the Power Rangers. He is a constant delight and I absolutely can not get enough of him.

Happy Birthday Moondoggie!

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