Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What The Hell Is Wrong With Me?

Please tell me there is someone, anyone, else who cried at the Logies!!!!
I'm beginning to have a suspicion that my husband is right and I am, in fact, a nutcase! It all started with Heath. I usually well up big time in the Memorandum montage, we have lost so many fine young talents over the last few years, but this year I sobbed. I couldn't stop! I think I have somehow managed to pretend that Heath did not in fact die and he is out there somewhere doing his thing.

You can't argue with a Memorandum Montage though. It's a sledgehammer to the guts. Heath is dead.

I had just started to recover and compose myself when they announced the nominees for Most Outstanding Public Affairs Report! Australian Story won for their intimate documentary based on Belinda Emmett, partly made before she lost her battle with life. And Jen sobs again.

To cap it all off the lovely Kate Ritchie deservedly won the Gold and although this was very exciting, her speech completely did me in. More sobbing and with very sore eyes I sheepishly packed myself off to bed.

I am pathetic!

Surfer Boy is correct.

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