Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What A Night

It's been a long time between posts but I guess now I'm in my 40's you can't expect too much. On Saturday I felt fabulous, sprightly, alert and champing at the bit to get to my party. By Sunday afternoon I felt every single second of 40 years. I think I aged about a decade in 24 hours!

After a lovely brunch with the family at Gourmet On Gamon, I headed down to set up the venue. Lanterns were hung, table was set, the very helpful Surfer Boy lugged multiple tables and 20 chairs from our place to the Studio. He then scampered off with the kids to his Mum's and I had the house to myself to glam up.
The caterer arrived, everyone turned up looking fabulous and I had a fantastic night. There was a lot of food, drink, laughs, and some very dodgy but enthusiastic dancing. We wrapped up in the wee small hours and headed home for a few hours shut eye before the clean up began. Poor Surfer Boy, not only did he have to set up, he also had to lug everything home again and on top of forking out the cash for the big night, he didn't score an invite!! Even I think he was majorly ripped off. Might be time to reward the poor bugger!!

Hopefully my 20 wonderful girls also had a good night, because I'm way too old to throw another bash for quite a while. I have paved the way and now I'm looking forward to sitting back and watching everyone else hit 40.

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