Saturday, October 18, 2008

Rabbiting On

This is my formal apology to Lou and Ali and everyone else who reads my blog on a regular basis and are sick of waiting for me to post again. I beg your forgiveness and promise to make this a really long post to make up for my slackness - I have no idea what I am going to write about but I'll start with being a full-time worker!

Darling brother hopped a plane to Bali with his glowingly pregnant wife and left me in charge of CHALK. Surfer Boy took the week off to be a house-hubby and off I trotted feeling very grown up. It was fabulous. For the first time in years I got to spend more than a single day in my own business. I had the chance to potter around with the merchandising, check out new wholesaler catalogues, order new stock, all without I interruption (oh except for those pesky customer things).

Day One gave me a new appreciation of fathers returning home after a day at work. I was buggered and the last thing I wanted to do was help put the kids to bed, I just wanted to veg out on the couch. I was wrecked.

Day Two saw a welcome change which I put down to wearing sensible shoes for a day of standing around all day on concrete - huge improvement. By Saturday I was fully into the swing of full-time work and not quite ready for it to end. I felt like a fully-functioning member of society.

I think Surfer Boy also enjoyed his week. Not only did he manage dinner and school lunches but we had a freshly baked cake almost every day!! Astonishing. In 14 years together I have never seen him make a cake. He did comment after Day One that although he had a list of things he wanted to get, he didn't have a chance to get any of them. He couldn't understand where the day had gone, eaten up with school drop offs, cooking, housework etc. I think his idea that I swan around all day having coffee with other ladies was well and truly debunked.

All in all we came away from the week with a new appreciation for what the other does. Well worth it.

29 degrees today in Melbourne and my most favourite kind of night - warm and still. The kind of night that is made for fairy lights and bbqs and good friends, or just sitting on the verandah watching the world go by with a good book.
Signing off as it is just too nice to be sitting at the computer - promise I'll post again SOON.

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