Thursday, December 25, 2008

Large Christmas Icons

Anyone who reads this blog on a regular basis will know how much I love the community I live in. Living over here in the West is like living in a country town. The community spirit is fantastic and it never ceases to amaze me. Sometimes it does get a little bizarre but that's part of it's charm.

A perfect example is what happened to us yesterday.

While out and about in Yarraville Village we came across these fabulous fellows - The 3 Wise Men, singing carols and generally entertaining all and sundry. They were gorgeous and how they walked all day in those shoes has me stumped.

Later that day we headed to Le Chien in Seddon and came across this gem -

Not only did Mr Christmas Tree stop and talk to everyone, he played an instrument and sang as well. the kids adored him and had a lovely long visit with him. We went back inside to finish our drinks when these two appeared -

Locals to the area, they entertained us with some wonderful Christmas songs and made our outing just that little bit more special.
This is not the end of our odyssey! On leaving the cafe we bumped in to this guy! -

He also had a song to sing and took requests from the kids. He also spent a long time finding out what they wanted for Christmas and making their faces light up.
I want to thank all these wonderful people for making Christmas Eve such a fun day and for making us all feel very Christmassy (which is of course a word) They made my kids day and I'm sure we weren't the only people who had a smile of their faces after encountering one of these characters.

It's been a long and exciting day so I'm off to scrounge up some left overs and watch a bit of mindless TV. (Guess who got seasons 1 - 6 of Dawson's Creek for Christmas??!!) See you on Boxing Day.

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