Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Presents And Sunburn

To those of you who are up late checking your blog rolls before collapsing into bed, I say a huge MERRY CHRISTMAS. I happen to know of a few people who are still up wrapping presents and baking Christmas delicacies, and I am sure there are many more. Have a wonderful, wonderful day tomorrow and I hope every ounce of blood sweat and tears are more than made up for by the joy that comes your way tomorrow.

This may be from the 50's but it is still very much what Australia is all about at Christmas, sun, surf, good friends and great food.

To those of you on the other side of the world, it may seem unlikely but Christmas day for us will be hot, and sunny with a BBQ lunch followed by sitting around under market umbrellas with a tall glass of something cold. Yay!!

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