Friday, February 27, 2009

It wasn't! Oh god it was!!!

Don't you hate it when you miss a birthday!! I am usually pretty on the ball with birthdays, I even have a birthday calender in the kitchen. Imagine my horror when I realised that a very dear friend celebrated her birthday on Sunday and I had no idea! I even spent Monday night watching the Oscars with her and still the penny didn't drop. I felt sick when I realised.
I think I should blame her for not constantly mentioning it over the last few weeks like I would have done! I firmly believe that everyone should send out a global email or text letting every person they know, know that it is their birthday coming up, that way no one need to be embarrassed at forgetting....
So now that I have cleverly passed the blame and made myself feel better, Miss Ali you had better expect a visit from your hopeless friend bearing gifts and a sheepish grin!


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