Sunday, March 1, 2009

Yay For The Boys In Blue.

My phone beeped to tell me I had a text while I was waiting to pick up Gidget from school. It was from Victoria Police and my immediate thought was - shit... Surfer Boy has fallen off a building!! Luckily that wasn't it - it was a message that went like this...'Extreme weather in Vic expected Mon night & Tues. High wind & fire risk. Listen to local ABC radio for emergency updates....etc.' How bizarre - the police love me and are keeping me safe. It quickly dawned on me that they loved everybody, not just me, as more and more people waiting at school read their text messages!

I find it frightening that Victoria is under such fire threat this summer that the police are sending out state-wide texts! It feels surreal and a little apocalyptic.

I heard one parent comment that it would just worry people but hell, I'd rather be worried than ignorant. I had no idea we had another HOT day coming let alone 140km an hour winds!! It hopefully won't affect as as we live in the inner city but for those in outlying suburbs any warning is good based on the events of the last couple of weeks!

So Victoria Police - Thank you!

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