Monday, August 31, 2009

Indonesia Ditipu Jepang: Kijang Innova Akan Dipasok dari India?

Dari semua produk line up PT Toyota Astra Motor (TAM), Kijang, Avanza, Rush, dan Fortuner yang diproduksi di Indonesia. Bahkan Kijang dikenal sebagai mobil kebanggan keluarga Indonesia, ketika pertama kali di release pada 1977 masih berupa pikap dan kini menjadi multi purpose vehicle (MPV) berkelas, konon tidak lagi diproduksi di dalam negeri. Malah akan diimpor dari luar.

Hal itu mungkin saja, mengingat adanya perjanjian perdagangan bebas (free trade area/FTA) antara negara di kawasan Asean dengan India yang telah ditandatangani 13 Agustus 2009 lalu. Isinya, di antaranya adanya penurunan tarif impor produk (impor duty) untuk beberapa produk hingga nol persen berlaku antara 2013 hingga 2016. Salah satunya, otomotif.

Imbasnya, mulai tumbuh wacana kemungkinan Kijang Innova akan dipasok dari India untuk pasar Indonesia. Hal ini diutarakan Wakil Presiden Direktur TAM Shinji Fujii saat bincang-bincangnya bersama, akhir pekan lalu. "Ini baru kemungkinan. Tapi kami akan berjuang mati-matian karena Kijang Innova merupakan produk kami dan asli dari Indonesia bukan dari negara lain," ujarnya.

Shinji menjelaskan, FTA akan menciptakan akses yang mudah untuk masuk atau keluarnya barang dari kedua belah pihak. Perhitungan ongkos produksi akan dihitung oleh prinsipal, dan melihat mana yang lebih ekonomis.

Saat ini, pihak Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt Ltd--semacam TAM di Indonesia--telah memproduksi Fortuner dan Innova untuk dipasarkan di India. Produksinya untuk midsize MVP ini menggunakan komponen lokal (dari India) hingga 90 persen.

Saat FTA kedua negara sudah efektif, lanjut Shinji, ada kemungkinan India akan mengimpor kendaraan berukuran mini yang memang direncanakan bakal diproduksi di Negeri Sari ini. Nah, mobil ini juga rencananya akan memperoleh pasokan unit dapurpacunya dari Indonesia.

"Mungkin saja, karena sudah tidak ada lagi hambatan pajak maka kita bisa impor mesin ke sana, dan kita mengimpor mobil mini itu ke sini, possibility yes. Tapi belum ada kepastian." lanjutnya.

Terkait kinerja ekspor Toyota, Shinji memprediksi, pengiriman mobil Toyota ke luar Indonesia tak akan terpengaruh menyusul adanya kesepakatan FTA Asean-India. Pasalnya, India bukan merupakan negara tujuan ekspor Toyota Indonesia.

Saat ini, sejumlah produk Toyota diekspor secara utuh (completely built up/CBU) ke beberapa negara seperti Thailand, Brunei, dan Timur Tengah sekitar 2.000 unit per bulan. Sementara untuk ekspor dalam bentuk terurai (completely knock down/CKD) ke beberapa negara antara lain Vietnam dan Filipina dengan total sekitar 4.000 unit per bulan. Produk yang menjadi andalan eskpor Toyota Indonesia adalah Innova, Fortuner, dan Avanza.

En dat was het …

De zomervakantie loopt op zijn laatste benen en het lijkt ons dan ook een mooi moment om met onze Disney Nieuwsblog te stoppen. Bijna 3 jaar hebben we dagelijks een stukje van Disneymagie op onze blog gezet. Zowel de mooie als de soms minder aangename nieuwsfeiten kwamen hier aan bod maar aan alle mooie sprookjes komt er een eind en dus ook aan Yago’s Disney Nieuws.
Daar we laatste tijd onze energie in andere zaken steken, hebben we geen tijd meer om alles op te zoeken, te vertalen en er een eigen tekst rond te brouwen.

Bij deze willen we onze trouwe bezoekers bedanken en het is toch wel met een beetje pijn in het hart dat we afscheid nemen. Wij willen ook iedereen bedanken voor de vele mails met informatie, foto’s en filmpjes over Disney die we dan op onze blog konden en mochten plaatsen. Voor nieuws kan je terecht op de diverse forums of andere Disneyblogs. Als je informatie nodig hebt over Disneyland Paris kan je nog steeds terecht op onze website Yago’s DLRP die op geregelde tijdstippen zal upgedate worden.

I Want A Loris

After my last photo I thought I'd better share something cute!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

2009 Yamaha XJ6 Diversion Pictures

2009 Yamaha XJ6 Diversion in Action2009 Yamaha XJ6 Diversion in Action

2009 Yamaha XJ6 Diversion White Colour2009 Yamaha XJ6 Diversion White Colour

2009 Yamaha XJ6 Diversion Picture2009 Yamaha XJ6 Diversion Picture

2009 Honda CRF230M Wallpapers

2009 Honda CRF230M Wallpaper2009 Honda CRF230M Wallpaper

2009 Honda CRF230M Action2009 Honda CRF230M Action

2009 Honda CRF230M Motorcycle2009 Honda CRF230M Motorcycle

Classic Photography

I know this photo is really wrong but I couldn't stop laughing. That kid is REALLY ugly!

2010 Buell 1125CR First Look

2010 Buell 1125CR Action2010 Buell 1125CR Action

2010 Buell 1125CR Black Series2010 Buell 1125CR Black Series

2010 Buell 1125CR Wallpaper2010 Buell 1125CR Wallpaper

2010 Buell 1125CR Rear2010 Buell 1125CR Rear

2010 Buell 1125CR Picture2010 Buell 1125CR Picture

2009 Suzuki Gladius SFV650 Pictures

2009 Suzuki Gladius SFV650 in Action2009 Suzuki Gladius SFV650 in Action

2009 Suzuki Gladius SFV650 Picture
2009 Suzuki Gladius SFV650 Picture

2009 Suzuki Gladius SFV650 Sport Bike2009 Suzuki Gladius SFV650 Sport Bike

2009 Suzuki Gladius SFV650 Black Edition2009 Suzuki Gladius SFV650 Black Edition

2009 Suzuki Gladius SFV650 White Blue2009 Suzuki Gladius SFV650 White Blue

2009 Suzuki Gladius SFV650 Test Road2009 Suzuki Gladius SFV650 Test Road

2010 BMW F800R Chris Pfeiffer Replica Photos

2010 BMW F800R Chris Pfeiffer Replica Photo2010 BMW F800R Chris Pfeiffer Replica Photo

2010 BMW F800R Chris Pfeiffer Replica Top Wallpaper2010 BMW F800R Chris Pfeiffer Replica Top Wallpaper

2010 BMW F800R Chris Pfeiffer Replica Best Action2010 BMW F800R Chris Pfeiffer Replica Best Action

2009 Yamaha Royal Star Venture

2009 Yamaha Royal Star Venture Wallpaper2009 Yamaha Royal Star Venture Wallpaper

2009 Yamaha Royal Star Venture Motorcycle2009 Yamaha Royal Star Venture Motorcycle

2009 Yamaha Royal Star Venture Touring Bike2009 Yamaha Royal Star Venture Touring Bike

2009 Yamaha Royal Star Venture Picture2009 Yamaha Royal Star Venture Picture

2009 Honda Silver Wing 400 Pictures

2009 Honda Silver Wing 400 Test Road2009 Honda Silver Wing 400 Test Road

2009 Honda Silver Wing 400 Picture2009 Honda Silver Wing 400 Picture

2009 Honda Silver Wing 400 Black Sporty2009 Honda Silver Wing 400 Black Sporty

2009 Honda Silver Wing 400 Action2009 Honda Silver Wing 400 Action

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Top Marks Miley

When I got on Twitter today I came across this post from Miley Cyrus. Her comment about this photo is a good example of why I am happy for Miley to be a role model for my seven year old daughter.

'Just F.Y.I my legs DO NOT look like this in real life. That's the magic of a computer my friends. Just thought I would be honest. ' Miley , twitter


We had an interesting start to the day yesterday. At 6.45am there was a knock on the door which woke me out of a deep sleep. I cursed the knocker under my breathe and stumbled to the door. When I asked who it was a lady responded - 'Next door is on fire you have to get out!' Well as you can imagine that woke me up pretty effectively.
The kids had woken when they heard the knock so we all pulled on our ugg boots and jumpers, I grabbed the phone, and we headed out of the house. Sure enough next door had smoke billowing out of the roof and things didn't look good. (That's my house on the right - the one down wind of the fire)

Someone must have called the fire brigade just before I did and they turned up within minutes of us leaving the house. As they arrived flames started shooting out of the top of the roof and the wind fanned the flames toward our house. I started to feel rather stressed as I watched the flames lick our roof. The hoses came out not a minute too soon as far as our house was concerned and the firemen immediately started hosing down our roof and the side of the house while they tried to enter the burning house.
5 fire engines, three police cars and a watching helicopter later and they had the fire under control and I felt confident enough to take the kids in to our lovely neighbours for a cuppa and a breakfast of chocolates (the kids thought that was just fantastic). We weren't allowed back into the house for a couple of hours but when they accompanied me back in we found that the water damage they had warned me of had not eventuated and apart from some toxic fumes and the stink of smoke, all was well at Castle Kiely.

By lunchtime, Gidget was back at school and Moondoggie and I had a lovely view of fire trucks and firemen for most of the afternoon.

By the way the burning house was in the final stages of a major renovation and the owners were not living there. Luckily no personal items were lost, just the annoyance of lengthy delays on their now not so renovated home. I'm not sure yet what the damage is but I would assume the inside is pretty much destroyed. Funnily enough, after all the drama the workmen nailed the roof back down and from the street you would not know anything had happened.

So.. a massive thank you to the mystery lady who happened to be taking a walk and warned us of the fire, and to the fabulous firemen who saved my house!

(By the way Surfer Boy had already left for work and missed all the drama - I called him to tell him what was happening and I don't think he quite believed it until he saw the photos.)

2009 Yamaha YZF-R125 Wallpapers

2009 Yamaha YZF-R125 in Action2009 Yamaha YZF-R125 in Action

2009 Yamaha YZF-R125 Sport Bike2009 Yamaha YZF-R125 Sport Bike

2009 Yamaha YZF-R125 Black Edition2009 Yamaha YZF-R125 Black Edition

2009 Yamaha YZF-R125 Red Colour2009 Yamaha YZF-R125 Red Colour

Friday, August 28, 2009

GEA tampil di RITECH EXPO 2009

Kembali produk produk mobil karya anak bangsa dipamerkan di pameran yang bertajuk RITECH EXPO 2009. Acara yang diselenggarakan di 8 kota oleh Kementrian Riset dan Teknologi ini berlangsung hingga tanggal 10 Agustus 2009. GEA dan FIN Komodo ikut serta di dalam pameran yang diselenggarakan di Plaza Barat Glora Bung Karno.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

2009 Aprilia SMV 750 Dorsoduro Pictures

2009 Aprilia SMV 750 Dorsoduro Test Road2009 Aprilia SMV 750 Dorsoduro Test Road

2009 Aprilia SMV 750 Dorsoduro Side View2009 Aprilia SMV 750 Dorsoduro Side View

2009 Aprilia SMV 750 Dorsoduro Picture2009 Aprilia SMV 750 Dorsoduro Picture

2010 Buell Firebolt XB12R Wallpapers

2010 Buell Firebolt XB12R Action2010 Buell Firebolt XB12R Action

2010 Buell Firebolt XB12R Wallpaper2010 Buell Firebolt XB12R Wallpaper

2010 Buell Firebolt XB12R Black Series2010 Buell Firebolt XB12R Black Series

2010 Buell Firebolt XB12R Picture2010 Buell Firebolt XB12R Picture

2010 Buell Firebolt XB12R Test Ride2010 Buell Firebolt XB12R Test Ride

2009 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King

2009 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King Action2009 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King Action

2009 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King Picture 2009 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King Picture

2009 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King2009 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King

2009 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King Wallpaper2009 Harley-Davidson FLHR Road King Wallpaper