Thursday, August 20, 2009

Beatle Meets Destiny

Imagine your name is John Lennon, only everyone calls you Beatle. And then you meet your dream girl and her name is Destiny McCartney. But what if you're already with the perfect girl?A novel about change, chance and everybody doing the wrong thing.

A friend of mine arrived for a breakfast date a week or so ago, clutching a new book with a big smile on her face. Apparently she had heard about this book somewhere and then had it recommended highly by our local bookshop guru. She couldn't wait to show me knowing how much I love young adult fiction.

The book was 'Beatle Meets Destiny' and I made her promise I could read it as soon as she's finished.

Fast forward to Sunday when Surfer Boy rang to tell me a friend of ours was in the newspaper - phone cut out - and I never found out what she was in for.

Fast forward to Sunday evening and while out with the same friend I mentioned I needed to find the paper as someone I knew was in it but I had no idea what for - when I told her who it was she shrieked!! ' THAT'S WHO WROTE MY BOOK!!!'

It turns out that the book she was so excited about is written by Gab Williams, the wife of my dear friend Wilbur.

What I love most about this is that 'Beatle Meets Destiny' is all about signs and destiny and chance and I feel that is exactly how this book came to me.

Of course I went straight across the road and bought it.

And I'm so excited to say that I absolutely love it.
I couldn't stop reading and I really cared about these characters. It was so refreshing to read a story that was not only set in such a familiar setting, but the emotions and actions of the characters were also familiar.
All the young adult fiction I have read lately deals with dark and angsty subject matter, or the bitchy youth of the upper crust (Luxe is fabulous but ridiculous!).
What I loved most about this book was that these teenagers were all well adjusted, loved, and in the most part - happy. How refreshing. They were also dealing with very similar things to what I remember dealing with waaaay back in the late 80's. I know many things have changed for teenagers since then but the basic tenets are the same, and Gab writes with a very true voice and a lot of humour.
I can't speak highly enough of 'Beatle Meets Destiny' and look forward to Gab's next book of which there had better be one or else!
(P.S. the book has just been optioned to be made into a major feature film.)

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