Sunday, October 18, 2009


I have a 'pineapple condiment thingy' update! Remember my fabulous Savers purchase that I was so excited about? Well last weekend the family trooped off to 'The Famous Blue Raincoat' and look what I found....

These fabulous people have their own 'pineapple condiment thingy' which they use for their bits and pieces. They have removed the wooden dishes but they actually have the spikes that stick out of the top of the pineapple!! I was sooooo jealous. Surfer Boy took photos of the sticks so that he could make me some. He's such a lovely boy.

As we were leaving I told the 'Kaz, the lovely lady in charge that I had one too and when she discovered that I had no sticks .... SHE GAVE THEM TO ME!!!!!

I can not begin to tell you how excited I was. I am one very happy lady now that my pineapple is complete.

So a massive thank you to Kaz for her overwhelming generosity! You made my week - or year even.

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