Sunday, May 2, 2010

Birthday Festival

Last week was very busy at our place.  I stupidly did not plan my pregnancies very well with the result that my kids birthdays are exactly a week apart.  Not only is it an expensive week but it also seems to end up being about 10 days of seemingly non-stop partying.  The days between the two birthdays are filled with dinners for cousins, grandparents, and anyone else who drops by, and the kids milk it for all they're worth with movie night treats, take-away etc which I fall for, being too busy with party planning to feed my family.
I am exaggerating a little as we don't go overboard on the party events - Gidget took a couple of friends rock climbing and Moondoggie took a couple of his mates 10 Pin Bowling.  Both parties were very low key but heaps of fun for the birthday girl/boy.

Although fun, I am very glad it is all over for another year as I need a good lie down with a cool face washer over my eyes.

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