Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Holiday

It's bone-numbingly freezing here in Melbourne tonight and I was more than happy to arrive home from work to find a warm house full of the delicious smells of a dinner I didn't have to prepare.  I am now cosied up in front of the T.V and all the family is tucked up in bed.
The cold has got me thinking about cosy homes and what home is more cosy than Iris's home in the film 'The Holiday'?

The set designers have got this home just right as it suits the character perfectly and provides a perfect contrast to the L.A. home.

How great are these floorboards!  I want diamonds painted on my bathroom floor now.

Although this home seems absolutely perfect - the house itself was actually purpose built and made of fiberglass - sadly it was demolished after filming!  Talk about ruin the romance!

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