Friday, June 25, 2010

Watercolor Master Painting by Steve Hanks


Spoiler for versi inggrisnya:

Steve Hanks is recognized as one of the best watercolor artists working today. The detail, color and realism of Steve Hanks' paintings are unheard of in this difficult medium. A softly worn patterned quilt, the play of light on the thin veil of surf on sand, or the delicate expression of a child—-Steve Hanks captures these patterns of life better than anyone.

Steve Hanks was born into a military family in San Diego in 1949. His father was a highly decorated WWII Navy flyer. Hanks grew up playing tennis and surfing along the beaches of Southern California. “The ocean made a strong and lasting impression on me. It was good for the soul to be out in the water—surfing, swimming, or simply getting in touch with its mysterious power.”
The family was transferred to New Mexico when Steve was a junior. After high school he attended the Academy of Fine Arts in San Francisco, earning excellent marks in commercial art and figure drawing. He transferred to the California College of Arts and Crafts, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree.

Steve Hanks took a job as a caretaker at a Campfire Girl’s camp near Cuba, New Mexico in 1976. The pay was minimal, but the rent was free, and all during the winter months his time was his own. For the next four and a half years Hanks experimented with many media: oils, watercolor, pencil, acrylics. “If I hadn’t spent so much time perfecting my drawing skills,” he comments, “I would not be the painter I am today.” His first romantic piece, “Daisies and Lace”, was a harbinger of his developing style—it featured a lacy dress and a serene sunlit setting.

Hanks calls his style ‘emotional realism’. He often leaves the faces of his figures obscured or turned away, not only to leave the face to the imagination of the viewer but also to allow the entire figure to express the emotion. Backlighting is also a signature element of his style. “Sunlight has become one of my favorite subjects. I’m fascinated by how it filters through things, how it floods a whole room with color. Often my paintings are really more about sunlight than anything else.”
His marriage to Laura and the arrival of three children provided new inspiration for the artist. Many lovingly rendered domestic scenes were added to the portfolio during those years.

Jurors, galleries and collectors have long recognized the stature of Steve Hanks’ achievements. He received the National Watercolor Society Merit Award and the National Academy of Western Art Gold Medal, in addition to consistently appearing in the list of top ten American artists compiled by U.S. Art Magazine. Art for the Parks has honored his work with many awards since 1989.

“I’ve tried to be responsible and put positive images out into the world,” says Hanks. “I hope that my work brings comfort, pleasure and insight into people’s lives.”

Spoiler for versi indonya:

Steve Hanks diakui sebagai salah satu seniman cat air terbaik bekerja hari ini. Detail, warna dan lukisan realisme Steve Hanks 'yang pernah terjadi di media ini sulit. Sebuah selimut lembut dikenakan pola, permainan cahaya pada tabir tipis surfing di pasir, atau ekspresi halus anak - Steve Hanks menangkap pola-pola kehidupan yang lebih baik daripada siapa pun.

Steve Hanks dilahirkan dalam sebuah keluarga militer di San Diego pada tahun 1949. Ayahnya adalah seorang Perang Dunia II sangat dihiasi selebaran Angkatan Laut. Dibesarkan Hanks bermain tenis dan berselancar di sepanjang pantai Selatan California. "Laut itu membuat kesan yang kuat dan abadi pada saya. Itu baik bagi jiwa yang akan keluar dalam berselancar air, berenang, atau hanya untuk berhubungan dengan kekuatan yang misterius. "

Keluarga itu ditransfer ke New Mexico saat Steve junior. Setelah SMA, ia kuliah di Akademi Seni Rupa di San Francisco, produktif tanda yang sangat baik dalam seni komersial dan gambar tokoh. Dia dipindahkan ke California College of Arts dan Kerajinan Tangan, di mana ia lulus dengan gelar Bachelor of Fine Arts.

Steve Hanks menerima pekerjaan sebagai pengurus di sebuah kamp Campfire Girl's dekat Kuba, New Mexico pada tahun 1976. membayar itu minimal, tetapi sewanya bebas, dan semua selama bulan-bulan musim dingin waktunya sendiri. Selama empat tahun berikutnya dan setengah Hanks bereksperimen dengan berbagai media: Minyak pensil, cat air,, akrilik. "Jika aku tidak menghabiskan begitu banyak waktu menyempurnakan keterampilan menggambar saya," komentar dia, "Aku tidak akan menjadi pelukis saya hari ini" potongan pertama romantis-Nya., "Adalah Bunga aster dan Lace", pertanda nya mengembangkan gaya- itu menampilkan gaun berenda dan pengaturan diterangi matahari tenang.

Hanks menyebut gayanya 'emosional realisme'. Dia sering membuat wajah angkanya, kabur atau memalingkan muka, tidak hanya untuk meninggalkan wajah ke imajinasi pemirsa tetapi juga untuk memungkinkan seluruh sosok untuk mengekspresikan emosi. Backlighting juga merupakan elemen identitas dari gayanya. "Sinar matahari telah menjadi salah satu mata pelajaran favorit saya. Aku terpesona dengan cara itu filter melalui hal-hal, bagaimana banjir seluruh ruangan dengan warna. Sering lukisan saya benar-benar lebih banyak tentang cahaya matahari dari apa pun seniman. Nya "menikah dengan Laura dan kedatangan tiga anak baru yang disediakan untuk inspirasi. Banyak adegan dalam negeri penuh cinta yang diberikan ditambahkan ke portofolio selama tahun-tahun.

Juri, galeri dan kolektor telah lama mengakui prestasi tinggi badan Steve Hanks '. Dia menerima National Watercolor Society Merit Award dan Akademi Nasional Seni Barat Medali Emas, di samping secara konsisten muncul dalam daftar teratas sepuluh seniman Amerika yang disusun oleh US Seni Majalah. Seni untuk Taman yang mengagungkan karyanya dengan banyak penghargaan dunia sejak tahun 1989. "Saya sudah mencoba untuk bertanggung jawab dan positif menempatkan gambar keluar ke dalam," kata Hanks. "Saya berharap bahwa pekerjaan saya membawa kenyamanan, kesenangan dan wawasan ke dalam kehidupan.


nih karyanya..

Spoiler for karya nya:


ini bukunya beliau..

Spoiler for cover book:


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