Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Project

Surfer Boy and I are extremely lucky because both sets of our parents have holiday homes in the same coastal town.  Not only do we get to spend our winter weekends there whenever we like but my parents vacate the house for the entire month of January so that we can re-locate there for the summer holidays.

The only fly in the ointment is the lack of space for the whole family to be there together.  It was perfect when we were growing up but now that my brother and I have families we tend to use the house separately which is a shame.  Every summer we throw around ideas - if we pull out a wall here/ add a room there/ etc but this summer I have had an epiphany!!

If you regularly read this blog you will know that I have a hankering for a caravan and have even been scouring eBay on the sly for my dream van.  We have nowhere at home to put it but I suddenly realised I can kill to birds with one stone and get on for the beach house!  Woo Hooo!  A perfect excuse for my dream project and solves some space issues into the bargain.  Win Win.

The next task is convincing my parents that it is a good idea because it is, after all, their house.  The ace up my sleeve is that it won't cost them anything so with a bit of luck they will be happy to let me annex a couple of metres of yard.
I'm posting these pics here so my Dad can get an idea of what I would like to do.  As the interior of the house is red I have thrown in some red vans to really sweeten the deal.... is it working Dad???

My lovely friend Kris gave me this book for Christmas which has now become my bible and the lynch pin for my caravan campaign. 
Wish me luck.

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