Monday, February 28, 2011

Good Friends are Priceless

It's been a long week already and it's only Tuesday!  After a big weekend celebrating a friend's 40th I got slammed by the dreaded gastro and spent the rest of the weekend wishing someone would end my misery. 

I've survived the last couple of days on the odd square of Vegemite toast and have been feeling very sorry for myself.  Until this morning that is.  My gorgeous friend Krissa turned up at our 'morning meeting' with a present for me.

Not my birthday - just a 'love' present apparently and gee am I glad she loves me...  how cool is this?

Now I too can look super stylish even though I don't drink coffee.  This Tea Lovers Eco Cup even has a teapot button that you can wrap your teabag string around while the tea is steeping.
I love it and the fact that it looks like a ceramic ginger jar has me completely smitten.

How lucky am I?  Krissa's gift coupled with another friend who brought me chicken soup to work today has made life a whole lot brighter.
I may even make it through the week.

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