Thursday, February 10, 2011

Peeping In - Rob Lowe

There is no way that anybody reading this does not think Rob Lowe is still one of the sexiest men on the planet - unless they are dead from the waist down.  Rob was arguably the 'prettiest' boy I'd ever seen in the 80's and he has defied all odds and just got better with age.  Anyway.... I thought we'd better take a look at Rob's home and blimey is it something!!  Take a look..

And while we're outside let's take a look around.  Do you like???

Can you imagine how many rooms there are in that house that we haven't seen - mind boggling.
At least now we can picture what Mr Lowe is doing on the next sunny day - isn't that a lovely visual....

“I always wanted that house where everybody wants to go,” says the actor, “full of energy, dogs, music, fun. I wanted ours to be that house, and it is. ‘Family home’ is a trite phrase, but that’s exactly what we have. Nothing makes me happier,” he adds, a seeming catch in his voice, “than the life that goes on within these walls, the history that’s being created here every minute, every day.”
Rob Lowe

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