Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's Here

The caravan arrived yesterday - Surfer Boy took the day off to go and pick it up and then drove past my shop so I could see it - hilarious. 

When I got home from work he had already started working on it - it was absolutely filthy and unfortunately smells rather strongly of dog!  Not my favourite aroma.

The poor girl is in a sorry state but I noticed there were measurements for sheets of ply on the dining table this morning so I'm tipping that by the end of the weekend she will have at least one spanking new panel.    I'll have to make sure I take lots of photos of her transformation.

I have to make a decision as to whether I cover over the current (original but gross and beyond saving) upholstery or if I splurge and get the seats recovered.  I'm leaning towards the latter as I don't think that dog wee smell is ever going to leave if I don't.  I've already removed the hideous curtains and binned them - tempted to make new ones tonight but think I should wait until everything is sparkling again.

So much to do - so fun.  Grab a pair of gloves, some Spray & Wipe and join us for a weekend of scrubbing....

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