Monday, April 4, 2011

The Caravan Project - First Jobs

 As soon as we got our lovely lady home the work began - Surfer Boy was already scrubbing , sweeping, and pulling up old lino when I arrived home.  My first job was to remove all the curtains and take the upholstery out to the back yard for a good scrub down.

 I don't think I can accurately describe the smell to you so I won't try. Believe me, it's best you don't know.

First up they got a hose down in the shower and a good scrub using a very strong detergent.  Then they went outside to be attacked with the industrial high pressure hose that Surfer Boy had the forethought to bring home.

This is how they ended up - notice the bottoms are still drying out.  Although improved they are far from usable so the next step is to take them down to my upholsterer to see what his verdict is.  Do we start from scratch or can he save the bones and recover them?  We shall see.

While I was busy with the cushions, S.B. decided to re-build the door.

I won't pretend to know what or how he did it but the door now looks as good as new while still keeping all it's charm and features.

So there you have it - weekend one done and dusted.  Not a bad start.

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