Monday, April 11, 2011

Get Closer - Keith Urban at Rod Laver Arena

I know you are all dying to know about my Saturday night with KEITH!  It was everything I have come to expect, and more.  I think when you only perform one night the crowd is bound to be chock full of die hard fans and due to this the atmosphere was insane.  I know I'm extremely biased but I have never heard an audience show their appreciation with more enthusiasm than we did on Saturday night.

If you look closely at the photo below you will notice that a certain person is singing along to 'Raining On Sundays' with AN UMBRELLA IN HER HAND!!!
It was not premeditated but it just seemed the natural thing to do.  The lovely Craig who took these photos seems to think that the gesture was appreciated by the audience but I have no idea as I was so shocked that I had done it that I didn't notice anything except the security lady who kindly waited until the end of the song before asking me to put it down.

All in all I wish it was Friday so I still had it to do all over again - It's a long wait between concerts for Australian K.U. fans.

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