Monday, December 3, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...

I got sick of waiting for Surfer Boy to come home, (he's working offshore in Bass Strait and was supposed to be home Monday!) so I dragged out the biggest ladder I could find and hoisted myself into the roof.

What fascinating places ceiling cavities are. There are no end of interesting things up there that I didn't know about including, thanks to my handy hubby, a light and a platform so I didn't fall straight through to the dining table.
The world is a fascinating place when viewed from a different angle and I spent quite a long time with my legs dangling through the manhole just looking around my dining and living room.

Anyway I digress... I was actually up there to drag down the Christmas Tree as I was not going to waste another day being nude of decorations. (If you read this blog regularly you will have gathered that I love an excuse to decorate).

The problem I soon discovered is that we have a 7 foot tree and a 1 1/2 foot manhole. The tree also weighs a couple of tonne and I was at least 12 foot from the ground!

Never fear, I was not going to let these little issues defeat me and ... Wa la!! .... a little bit of Christmas magic (and some major manoeuvring) and Jen and the tree were both safely on the ground.

This morning at some ungodly hour I could hear the squeals of delight as the kids discovered the new addition to the living room. Worth every near-death experience I had getting the bloody thing down.

This evening we had a lovely time unwrapping all the ornaments and other Christmas goodies. Now I just have to find some room to actually move in here.

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