Friday, February 8, 2008

One boy going cheap.

O.K. now he's just annoying!

Our first day home from the hospital and Surferboy and I talk to Moondoggie about the need to be careful now that he is carrying around about a tonne of plaster on his left arm. We impress upon him the need to be careful as 'you broke your arm!!!' and your balance will be off for a while. He looked at us with those tangle-lashed orbes and assured us he understood...
Fast- forward to school pick-up and after reminding him not to jump off the retaining wall he so loves, he proceeded to get up said wall, fall off, and badly graze his knee. "But I didn't jump off it Mummy, I was climbing up."
Fast-forward again and I am busily working away on the computer (googling Lorelai Gilmore) when I hear Moondoggie run up the hall, chased by his sister, fall, smack his broken arm into the floor and split his lip open!!! Of course blood gushes everywhere and we assume he's knocked every tooth out of his mouth which luckily wasn't the case and he came away with a fat lip and very sore mouth.
At this juncture we decided to cut our losses and pack him off to bed before I had a nervous breakdown.
The thing that amazes me about the last couple of days is that it is all so out of character for Moondoggie. For a boy he is very placid and has rarely had any sort of accident, let alone ones of the magnitude of the last couple of days - maybe our run of luck is well and truely over!
He's damn lucky I think he's cute 'cause I'm this close to putting him up on ebay.

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