Wednesday, April 2, 2008

2 Quilts and a Wedding

It's been a long time between creative endeavours.

I'm not sure why I'm having a crafting slump. I used to feel the need to create and produce on a daily basis but for some reason in the last few months I have experienced a creative block.

I finally finished Moondoggie's doona cover! ('thank god' I hear you all sigh) Mainly due to the fact that he was in hospital and I wanted to do something for him. (Some good has come out of the broken arms fiasco after all!)

And last week I finally delivered the quilt that I made my brother and sister-in-law as a wedding present.
I had every intention of having it done by their December wedding but with one thing and another, namely the Internet shop didn't deliver my queen sized wadding, I have only just finished it.

I spent ages choosing the fabrics and I don't think I'll do that to myself again - choosing for someone else is fraught with difficulties and is just too stressful. I finally settled on the lovely Amy Butler fabrics - not too girly but still botanical and stylish rather than cottagey.

They tell me they love it so with a bit of luck they are not just being polite.
This post makes it look like I've been productive but really both these projects belong to last year, with only the finishing done in '08. It is pathetic and I need to find my crafting Mojo again. But how??

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