Saturday, June 14, 2008

A Passion For Fashion

A couple of girls have asked me what they should wear to my 40th - casual with a bit of fancy! - but it took me until Thursday to realise that it was all very well suggesting outfits for them, but what about the Birthday Girl?? How could it completely have slipped my mind that I would actually need to come up with something to wear on Saturday? SHIT SHIT SHIT! This was a disaster waiting to happen as there is nothing more depressing than getting ready for a big night and being unhappy with the outcome - not an auspicious start to my big night.

Off I rushed to Highpoint - the Fashion Capital!!! - with 3 hours until late night trading finished.
Miracle - I actually found something I am fairly happy with and hopefully after a much needed haircut and colour I'll be rearing to go. I EVEN BOUGHT HEELS - and they're RED and patent black - swish!! Just need to sort out the accessories now...

Last night the lovely, and extremely glamorous Megan accompanied me to Chapel Street (the actual fashion capital of Melbourne) for an evening of retail therapy. The hardest part of this outing being the search for an outfit cool enough to go shopping in Chapel St in!!! Go figure!
After another pair of killer heels, some earrings and a massive bling ring we called it a night and took ourselves off for a great bowl of pasta and a LOT of gossip and hysterical laughing, the kind where tears pour down your face. It was fabulous and better therapy for tired and careworn mums than a week at a spa - well almost.

With a bit of luck and some Nancy Gantz I won't look completely hideous when I turn 40. Fingers crossed everyone.

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